Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas hours......and holiday time

hello friends
just a reminder that mama's last day for shipping orders will be
this friday 16th december
we will be re-opening on tuesday 4th january, 2012

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

hello blue caravan !!

mama's footstool appearing in bluecaravan's gift guides today....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas totes !!

limited edition, super exclusive, get it now....
from here and here

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

proud mama.

this morning i woke up and saw that mama and 2 of mama's friends had made the front page of
madeit.com.au picks for an eco-christmas....
our licorice jubilee cushion cover was featured along with our bestie birchseed's fabric brooch and the newest member of mama's family idealiza and her awesome spiral tote.
here's a dodgy screenshot of mama and her chicks.....so proud
and while we are at it, don't forget to buy handmade this christmas

Monday, November 28, 2011

hellooooooo melbourne !!

well, the organic mamas continues its eastern seaboard tour on the blue caravan caravan...
you can see our wares on the blue caravan stand at this weekend's
Fair@Square Fair Trade + Ethical Festival
which kicks off this Friday 2nd December through to Sunday 4th December at
Melbourne's Federation Square
have a look here for all the amazing things that are happening

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

one village....one love....

i've just returned from a glorious couple of hours with jo and her absolutely divine shop
we had a ball creating her newest shop window display together
she has the most beautiful shop filled to the brim with ethically made, organic, fair trade and environmentally friendly clothes, gifts, homewares, children's clothing, absolutely everything
the shop truly gets more gorgeous each time i pay a visit
it makes christmas shopping a breeze.......

so hurry over there and see some of the things mama has been working on over the last few weeks: gorgeous armchairs, footstools and eye pillows filled with certified organic  lavender..mmmmm...heaven.
more posts to come about those

Sunday, November 13, 2011

a little somethin' somethin'.............

mama is flat out this week in her little creative studio....
here's another sneek peek at a little somethin' i'm working on....
mrs footstool is going to be real pretty
stay tuned for more details